The Cultural Office of the City of Rheine has granted our school another slot to perform at the Stadthalle Rheine on June 18, 2018. The Show was entitled POP! the ballet...! and was a big success. Check our pictures galleries at
Our Show date for 2019 is Sunday, July 7, 2019 at the Stadthalle Rheine.
On the same month of July, selected pupils from our school are joining some youth from the city of Rheine in the project "Rheine has Ryhthm" 2018-2019 in the modern dance-hiphop-breakdance piece "EVOKE" choreographed by Samson Cabantac for the 2019 State Youth Dance Festival "Durchdrehen" 2019 in Herne, Germany. This is a two-day event with seminars, workshops and a big dance festival for all cities chosen by the State Cultural Secretariat to participate in the end performance.
BSC, Rheine. 2014 - On this school-year we sent Dominik Krause a 12-year old pupil of our school to the German Ballet Competitions (4. Deutsche Jugendtanzpreis). Dominik landed at the final rounds. We congratulate Dominik for a job well done!
We congratulate our pupil KUDZI MARANGE for reaching the final round of the 3rd Youth Dance Prize (3. Deutsche Jugendtanzpreis), a German international dance competition which was held in Augsburg City, down south of Germany. We wish you more power and more success in the future Kudzi!